Git & GitHub- Key Knowledge
Git & GitHub - Key Knowledge
Git is a command line tool for version control management, open source and designed to track the changes in code in a development project. With GitHub as a web-based hosting service or platform for repositories, allow us to:
- Created an open source repository
- Started and managed branch
- Changed a file and committed those changes
- Opened and merged a pull request
There are specific commands to create, change, combine, synchronize, clone or copy code.
Commands by steps in a plaint way (just like will appear in project development process):
- Signup to GitHub (intuitive process)
- Create a repository (explore the options)
- Install git (git dowload or from terminal)
- Get the version or update in terminal:
- git -v
- git clone
- Clone the Repository
Clone the repository and make changes locally, making sure to include an index.html file which will be the landing page for your website.
- Copy the URL and execute
- git clone <url>
- Open in Desktop
- or Download
- Connect
- VS Code
- RStudio
- Make Changes
- Commit
Each change and associated commit message (explaining what and why a particular change was made).
- git commit -m "message"
- Publica
- git push
- If are only changes and no new files try to use
- git add .
- git commit -am "message" #commit all the changes
- Pull
- git pull
- Heard of collaboration on GitHub
- @mention for request feedback
- Merge Conflicts
Merge your feature branch into the main branch. It will generate some conflicts, GitHub will alert about this. You can make a commit that resolves or use a comments in the pull request to discuss about this conflicts. Is a recommend practice try to delete the feature branch after merge it, and create a new one for new changes.
- git log
- If have a mistake, revert back to a previous version
- git reset
- git reset --hard <commit> # revert to the version after that commit
- git reset --hard origin/master #to the version currently stored online on Github
- Managed branch
- git branch # to see in which brach you're working
- git checkout -b <newBrachName> #create a new brach
- git checkout <brachName> #switch between branches
- git merge <otherBrachName> #merge working branch with other
- Forking - a Github fieature
A repository, or Git project, encompasses the entire collection of files and folders associated with a project, along with each file's revision history. Some relevant components in GitHub:
- Files
- The file history appears as snapshots in time called commits.
- The commits can be organized into multiple lines of development called branches.
- Brach
- Rules
- Main (production) - feature
- Personal Access Tokens (PAT)
- Public or Private
Connect to Development Enviroment or Source Code Editor
RStudio Integration
RStudio is a integrated development enviroment for R.
- Configure the version control en Global Options de la terminal
- Rutas de Aplicación ejecutable: Git
- New Project - Version Control - Select Git
- Create a New Project From Repository
- New project
- Version control
- Create
- New Project - version control - git hub - user required information - project
- Fallow the instruction, execute in terminal the git command for the desirable action
- Save | Commit | Push
Additional resource:
Visual Studio Code Integration
VS Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft.
[ver vscode article]